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Gojra: Shagufta Kausar accused of blasphemy case seeks bail on 1st August in Additional Session Judge in Gojra.

World Vision In Progress – WVIP filed the bail application for the Shagufta today in the court of the Additional Session Judge. Police sources told that due to unavoidable reasons, they couldn’t investigate the case accordingly so the official requested the court to hear the matter on August 1, 2013.

Family of the accused couple requested WVIP to provide legal assistance to Shagufta and Shafaqat accused of a blasphemy case.

WVIP management has assigned this duty to its legal team consist of Advocate Salvance Jacob and Nadeem Hassan. Tahir Naveed Ch, the attorney involved in the case of Rimsha Masih has also offered his voluntarily services to WVIP. WVIP have accepted his services with thanks and have included him in the attorney penal for couple.

Earlier the couple was arrested after alleged blasphemous text messages were sent from a phone belonging to them.


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