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    We Are One T Shirt


    We Are One In Christ ‘N’, or ن in Arabic, is the symbol used by the Islamic State (IS or ISIS) to identify who is …

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    We Are One In Christ

    ‘N’, or ن in Arabic, is the symbol used by the Islamic State (IS or ISIS) to identify who is a Nazarene – a Christian. It has been drawn on doorways and in front of houses in captured Iraqi cities, allowing militants to quickly assert where the loyalties of the inhabitants lie.

    In sympathy with our persecuted global Christian community we have designed some T-shirts that label us all as one body. Paul in his letter to the Romans, tells us

    “So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.”
    Romans 12 v 5

    This verse was the inspiration behind the design of the T-shirts. We hope the unity and solidarity we express will not alienate those of other faiths, but galvanise them around our cause.

    We Are One T shirts have been a hit in the local community click here to see why.



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