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Rupee news has written a very interesting article which shows a letter of support from Akbar Navees a prominent Muslim. It illustrates the strength of passion that has been released as consequence of the Asia Bibi Case. Moreover, such strong words of support from leading Muslims highlights that we need to re-evaluate our perceptions of religious extremism in Pakistan.

Now is a time to collaborate with our religious counterparts in Pakistan and to challenge this government and proceeding governments to focus on improving the lot for all its people.

I have previously uploaded a letter of support from Leader of the Lancashire Mosques Salim Mullah, who supports an end to the persecution of minority faiths in Pakistan. It is only by working with people of this calibre from all faiths, that we will ever see a reform of the practice of discriminatory laws in intolerant states.

Here is the article from Akhbar Navees:


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