Notice: Articles before August 2021 may be missing images and links will not work, we're sorry for this inconvenience which is a result of a change of webhost after Adobe Business Catalyst terminated their company.

In 2015 we visited the community of Bhikiwind and built 10 brick homes for families who had suffered the devastating loss of their mud-homes and all their possessions, in brutal floods.  Read more (here).

In August 2022 we revisited these homes to see if they had been able to survive the most brutal and mammoth inundation in Pakistan’s history.

All videos in this article are in Urdu but an English translated video will be compiled and uploaded by 25th September 2022.

After an extremely severe monsoon in 2015 destroyed 10 Christian Homes in Bhikiwind, Kasur, BACA appealed for help to restore the homes for beleaguered Christians.  After speaking with all the families and after a Canadian Donor came forward to help we decided on rebuilding the homes in bricks, that they might be more impervious to the elements in future disasters.

Video:  Family thanks us for building homes in 2015.

We set about a project that not only provided 10 new homes in brick but also saw the installation of a clean water pump and building of a Church.  Having lost our images of our initial work in 2015 during a transfer of our website from the now terminated Adobe Business Catalyst portal to our current WordPress portal, we planned a revisit to Bhikiwind.

Video: This woman thanks us and prays for God’s blessing over our charity.

On  11th September we returned to Bhikiwind to see how these villagers fared in the many floods that repeatedly hit their community every year.  We were extremely pleased to see that not one of our homes had collapsed, though one of the homes had been badly damaged in severe floods in 2017 and again from the deluge in 2022.   The community largely were protected from the other much smaller floods in years other than 2017 and 2022.

Video:  Woman thanking BACA for building home but seeking help for the roof that was damaged in 2017 flood -if God makes it possible.

Several residents have also explained that they have leaky rooves, some of which developed in the heavy rains and floods of 2017 and some which began leaking in 2022.

Video:  Young woman explains that before BACA built brick homes, everyone had mud-homes.  She is also seeking help with damaged roof.

BACA have agreed to pay for repairs to the home which has damaged walls. We have also agreed to consider new rooves for homes damaged and exhibiting leaks, but only if we raise enough to cover all our other commitments which grow daily as more and more communities reach out to us for help.  If you would like to donate to help us complete this work please donate (here).

Video:  Pastor Tariq Siraj, explains some homes near the 2017 flood route were damaged and need repairs, others have damage to their roofs.  He thanks us for the work we did in 2015 and asks us to help these people again.

When we last built the homes, there was a mud-home that survived the deluge and we did not rebuild it in brick.  The home was washed away in the 2017 deluge but we were not informed.  The family have rebuilt the home in mud but on this visit Mr Javaid Masih has made a request to our BACA team for their home to be rebuilt in brick too.  We would like to build a brick home for Javaid and his family but would need to receive enough finance to do so.  If you would like to contribute to this project donate (here) with reference Home for Javaid Masih.

Video: Javaid Masih’s house did not collapse in 2015 and so was not rebuilt in brick due to a paucity of funds.  The home did fall in 2017 and has been rebuilt.  Javaid is now asking for his home to be made in solid brick like all the other villagers.

Javaid Masih and his family would like help repairing his flood damaged mud home into brick.
One of several leaking rooves damaged in the 2017 0r 2022 Monsoon.
Rooves have been damaged in the 2017 and 2022 Monsoons.
This roof was damaged in the 2022 Monsoon.
Javaid Masih and his family missed out on the brick homes in 2015 and would like help to transform their latest flood damaged home.
Javaid’s home has been badly damaged in floods.
The homes we built have largely been unaffected by floods since 2015.

Pastor Tariq Siraj thanks BACA for their help in 2015
The church that BACA built.
Some rain and flood damage has occurred on the church building.
Cattle often damaged the mud-homes but not the brick homes.

Floods have damaged the decor but overall the houses have remained strong and people have not had to vacate their villages for long in any of the floods post 2015.


Before BACA built these homes this was a community of mud-homes. Most had been washed away in 2015.
The sturdy brick homes we built in 2015 are still standing despite being subjected to 7 floods.
Homes were made solid to withstand the floods.
Brick houses were built on solid foundations.
It was rewarding to see how the homes we built stood strong against the floods.


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