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London, October 4, 2023 – BACA, a leading charity dedicated to supporting vulnerable children, continues its unwavering commitment to the well-being of Suleman (15 yrs), Sonia (12 yrs), and Poonam (10 yrs), who tragically lost their parents who were raped, tortured and burned alive after a false accusation on blasphemy in 2014 (click here).

There’s a lot of candles to blow out!

Since the devastating event, BACA has been a constant source of support for the siblings, providing essential services that include a live-in nanny, home repairs, medical treatment, pest control, clothing, and the provision of essential equipment such as computers and beds (click here).

The live-in nanny not only tends to the daily needs of the children but also plays a crucial role in their emotional well-being by reading the Bible with them, leading them in prayer every morning and evening, and providing a sense of stability in their lives.

The children, who witnessed the unspeakable horror of their parents’ tragic fate (click here), have not succumbed to hatred and animosity. Instead, they have chosen love, inspired by their Christian faith. BACA, on a monthly basis, ensures the family’s health, immediate needs, and actively participates in joyous occasions, becoming a part of the family’s life.

In January, BACA provided the children with laptops for their studies, enabling Suleman to excel in research and academic assignments (click here). The charity’s support continued in July with the refurbishment of the children’s rooms, the replacement of stolen kitchen utensils, and equipment after a burglary.

Suleman, Sonia, and Poonam are thriving academically, with Suleman aspiring to be a lawyer defending the rights of the poor and persecuted. The live-in nanny assists the younger children with their homework, ensuring that they excel in their studies.


During a recent visit on September 3rd, BACA found the children in good health and high spirits. Suleman, now 15, expressed gratitude for the charity’s support, especially for the celebration of his birthday. BACA’s officer, Edward Naseer, participated in the joyous occasion, bringing a dark chocolate cake, a favorite of the birthday celebrant.

The children dressed up and enjoyed the special occasion.

Mukhtar Masih, the children’s grandfather, conveyed his thanks to BACA for making these celebrations possible and highlighted the family’s current needs, including a fridge, washing machine, and wardrobe.  The family have moved to a new home. which is missing these important household items. The family struggled in the scorching Punjab summer without a refrigerator for cool water or to preserve their food. Currently, they’re purchasing ice from the local market, which poses health risks for the children. Consequently, Mukhtar has appealed to BACA for assistance in obtaining whatever is possible from this list.

BACA remains committed to providing ongoing support to the orphaned siblings, ensuring they have a bright and promising future despite the challenges they have faced. We encourage our supporters  to join in this mission of love and compassion. If you want to contribute towards the cost of our live-in-nanny or the recent requested items then please donate (here).

BACA officer Edward Masih feeds Suleman the first slice of the cake.




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