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A BACA food parcel distribution operation reached a further 120 families despite the Coronavirus challenges thanks to God.

On Tuesday Pakistan reported their lowest number of daily infections by coronavirus, as well as fatalities linked to the disease in a 24 hour period. Official statistics showed 553 more deaths raising the overall death toll to 5,957, whereas the number of infections reached 279,699.

Pakistan is among a handful of countries where cases of COVID-19 have dropped considerably in recent weeks. However, health experts have cautioned that this could be the result of fewer tests. Pakistani Authorities have imposed a lockdown in virus hotspots across 20 cities and a partial lockdown similar to the Uk’s regarding large gatherings, still remains in place around the country.

The provincial government of Punjab went one step further and imposed a 10 day full lockdown, in order to thwart a rise of infections during Eid celebrations. The Punjab province is the most populous of Pakistan’s 7 provinces and their lockdown will end on 5th August (click here).

Data since the Eid celebrations in Pakistan during which many lockdown curfews were broken is awaited. It is expected that large-scale celebrations will have caused a spike in infections.

Even the security measures didn’t deter the BACA team who still managed to get to the hard to reach brick kiln families of Lahore, the small towns of Karachi and Rawalpindi with the help from local Christian pastors and leaders.

All of our deliverers faced a huge amount of investigation and delay from local, provincial and National authorities.  Fear of the spread of the virus had to be tempered with the need to help the families that were struggling the most from the imposed restrictions. With prayer, a coordinated approach, all essential paperwork and a will to succeed, our officer arrived at their targeted areas.

The teams were provided with a list of the most needy families by the local Christian leaders to distribute food parcels consisting of rice, flour, spices, soaps, lentils, tea leaves, sugar, oil packets and milk.  At the point of delivery the Word of God was shared with recipients along with Covid-19 safety advice.

Minister Martha Masih from the village of Clarkabad said she is thankful to BACA for their support towards the poor families of her village. She said that while doing the distribution one thing that really moved her was the love the poor families showed her. She added that no help is small when given on the right time and spoke of the desperate need for food that many people faced and the pure elation and a boost to their faith that the gifts provided.

Brick kiln families work from dawn to dusk without any extra rewards and extremely unfair wages.  Our parcels were seen as a message of love and how we all are one in Christ – this came across in many of the thanks received from grateful families.

BACA representative, Mehwish Bhatti, said:

“Despite all the difficulties imposed to due to the COVID-19 lockdown, we were able to achieve our goal.

“God is the one who multiplies our blessings and by sowing the seed of kindness love and care we are simply multiplying God’s blessings.

“We thank the authorities of Pakistan for their help in making our food deliveries possible.

BACA continue to reach starving families to provide food, prayer, and Gospel-led encouragement as the nation of Pakistan tackles the economic turmoil brought about by the essential life-saving COVID-19 lockdown.  If you would like to donate towards this aid effort please do so by clicking (here)

Taking risks our volunteers met brick kiln slaves despite threats from their masters.

Equipped with a Bible ready to share the Gospel!

Praying over the food before distribution.



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