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Wilson Chowdhry Chairman of the British Pakistani Christian Association recently travelled to Bangkok with Chris Rogers of the BBC. Our help contributed to a secret video report of the re-persecution of Pakistani Christians in Thailand.  Please watch the documentary this weekend detail can be viewed in the image above.

Together they met with detainees in Bangkok’s terrible Immigration Detention Centre, a place visibly harsher then their notorious prisons.  They
met with asylum seekers in their homes and heard harrowing accounts of their suffering and oppression in Pakistan and the re-persecution
of the fleeing victims in Thailand a place they had hoped to find refuge.  Read the full on-line BBC News account (click here)

Our help contributed to a secret video report of the re-persecution of Pakistani Christians in Thailand. Please watch the documentary this weekend detail can be viewed in the image above.

The BPCA has been serving the asylum seeker community of Thailand for over a year now.  We have been providing medical costs, have initiated two under the radar schools, are currently paying for shelter and food for a number of victims, we also provide trauma counselling and business education skills with grants for on-line businesses.  Our work has been supported by charities such as Aid to the Church in Need, Trot B Ministries and Voice of the Persecuted.  This week we have also emancipated another family from the brutal IDC (click here).

If you would like to contribute towards our ongoing work for Pak-Christian asylum seekers in Thailand, then our bank details and paypal/visa payment facility can be found here: (click here).

Please watch video of Wilson Chowdhry’s interview on BBC World here:


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