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BPCA volunteer Anton Kyanq (centre) meets victims at Zion Church Batticaloa

More than 100 families were affected by the bomb attack in Batticaloa and out of 19 of the families attending the church 29 members were killed.

We met the wife of Pastor Thirukkumaran’s whose son Thirukkumaran Shalom Malkiya (11 yrs) was killed in the attack.  She said:

“I agonise over the loss of my young son who never even had the chance to experience much life in this world.

“he was a happy, contented son who never said bad who had many friends and few enemies if any.

“These killers have shaken our peace and left our family and many others in great distress, though we did nothing to harm them.

“I saw many children die as I was working in the Sunday School and now these images will stay for me forever.

“I thank God that I will see my son again one day because of the promise of heaven and pray that no-one else ever has to suffer the deep loss I have had to endure.”

Our lead officer Anton has gifted the family some money to help with the cost of their son’s funeral and the time they have taken off work to console one another.  Brother Anton prayed with the family and will provide biblically-based-trauma-counselling as is necessary.

Image of Shalom killed at the tender age of 11 yrs


Anton also shared the tragic story of a man named as Verl who lost his sister Verlini Ranjith Suranga in the recent attack.  Verlini was a Sunday School teacher and was also responsible for operating the church bookshop. She was busy in the church book shop on Easter Sunday when the bomber blew himself up and was killed instantly with her daughter nearby who only survived because she was shielded by her mother.  Verlini’s daughter is still admitted to hospital as she has lost sight in both of her eyes and her father has been off work while caring for his daughter

As She was the only daughter of the family they are in so much agony. Also Verlini’s daughter is hospitalised. And the husband is looking after her daughter and He is a day worker so they suffer financially and medically as daughter lost two eyes too.

So far BPCA have covered the lost wages for the father for the month and costs for the funeral of his wife.  However, we are putting together a package of aid that will cover the surviving family for a period of 6 months.
Anton prays for the surviving daughter of Chandrika

Anton also visited Chandrika who lost her husband Rasalingam Sasikumar (40 yrs) and Sasikumar Merijan (13 yrs) in the Easter attack. Chandrika said:

“When I heard the blast I was in shock.

“I knew my husband had been helping Pastor Ramesh remove a suspicious man from the church and feared the worst.

“My young son Sasikumar always stayed close to his father and when I realised they both were dead my whole world collapsed.

“Rasalingam was my provider and best friend and Sasikumar my only son and now my daughter and I will struggle to survive on our own.

“The men who planned this attack are void of any morals or love the hate that manifests within them is sheer evil, without thought they have taken their own lives to kill innocent people.

“They have left me a widow and have done the same to many others but we serve a might God who will protect us.

“I thank God that one day he will unite me with my son and husband and for the care he is now giving to them.”

BPCA have covered a months rent and funeral expenses for Chandrika and are working on a package of aid to support the family for at least six months.

RIP: Rasalingam Sasikumar (40 yrs) and Sasikumar Merijan (13 yrs)


Anton then met Sutharshan who had lost his son  Anayah Peter Suthagar (9 yrs)

The two parents were new believers and the impact of losing their son has been very devastating for the couple.  When Anton met with them he reminded the couple that God gave the life of his only son that we might live and this gave great comfort to the survinving husband and wife.

Sutharshan said:

“The kiling of my young son has left me in great anguish.

“So many of us lost so much this Easter for nothing more than attending church to worship God.

“At first I felt great anger at the situation and questioned God, but I realise now this is the doing of evil men and that whatever has happened because my son believed he will be heaven now and before or merciful God.

“I long for the day I can be reunited with Anayah but understand that God still has a plan for my life on this earth.

“There will not be a day I do not remember my son, however but I will not let the pain of his loss destroy the purpose God has for my wife and I.

Brother Anton who is also an Evangelist, said:

“We prayed over the couple and gave a prophetic word and comforted them using biblical counselling. We have gifted them money to cover the funeral and a moths rent and will continue to offer advice and guidance as is necessary.

“These new members of our Christian family need our prayers as this attack has happened so soon after they gave their lives to Christ.

“I was inspired by their desire to learn and serve God despite their trauma.”


Anton also met  Mr T.Iruthayaraj and his wife  I.Manjula whose son Iruthayaraja Santhosh (10 yrs) was severely burnt in the bomb attack.

Santhosh was at Sunday School at church premises which began to burn in the immediate aftermath of the bomb.  The heat from the flames burned the entirety of his face, neck, hands and parts of his arms.  He has been admitted to the hospital since the attack and has had to undergo reconstructive plastic surgery.Manjula his mother was in despair as her hope of seeing son’s real face is lost forever.

Anton, said:

“This is a God planned visit to the hospital .

“The little son was in so much pain due to skin pulling damages and reconstructive plastic surgery in his face.

“He was crying and we asked him why? He said the skin is burning.

“His tears crushed our hearts but we had control it to give him hope.

“We prayed over the son with great love and compassion saying that the Father Jesus loves him so much that’s why He saved you and also he wants you to come home soon.

“We asked him; what he really wants to have in his possession?

“He said, a Jeep! To play at home.

“Then we said we will buy you one, if you get healed quickly to come home soon.

“We discussed about the situation with his Parents regarding medical needs but they wanted it only after consulting with the doctor of the hospital where the son is admitted now.

“We promised to look after the son in every way possible after doctor’s prescription comes.

“To help them out financially and medically we are waiting for them in Batticaloa.”


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