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Image shown above is taken at our former School

On 18th October 2015 after a large coordinated raid by Thai Immigration and the local army base at the condominium where our school for asylum seekers
was based in Sutthisan, Bangkok, we had to make the despairing situation to close down the school and relocate.

12 people were arrested in the raid including all the able males and any single females. In a state of terror and fear those who escaped the raid
dispersed into different areas of Bangkok.

Our volunteer teachers and the participant children were of course residents of the condo and when they all moved away from the building it meant
continuing the school was impossible and futile.

After some serious prayer and many visits to different Pak-Christian communities across Thailand, we felt God was leading us to a new location at
place called Charan. Here the community have never been raided due to the property being in the ownership of a very senior Thai immigration officer.
Moreover, the community has a natural leader Pastor Nadeem Nasir, who is also a businessman with a valid visa, and as such cannot be arrested. Pastor
Nadeem has led the community with great vigour and strength and during a visit by Wilson Chowdhry our Chairman, he remarked on how Pastor Nadeem has
strong support from all the residents, having sacrificed much of his own money to support the community in the condo.

Pastor Nadeem Nasir and his team are running a church in the building with a congregation of 50 members and we have agreed for our rooms to provide
a Sunday School.

The management of our school is now undertaken by a board of parents within the condo with the supervision of Christian Malik our BPCA Thailand
representative and Pastor Nadeem. Prior to our school the area had absolutely no facility for educating asylum children and Pastor Nadeem had been
praying for assistance to initiate one.

Now Pak-Christian asylum children will benefit from online education and a oxford based curriculum imported from Pakistan. We believe God has His
hands over this project and that the school will become a breeding ground for leaders of the next generation.

The volunteer workforce are all qualified and experienced teachers from Pakistan. They have clearly defined roles and practices defined via a strong
set of policy documents, lesson plans and quality assurance manuals. Most of all they have a passion for God a desire to see the participating children

Please help us to help our suffering brothers and sisters.

Please Pray:

That Pak-Christians would be safe and find shelter in Thailand without fear of arrest or mistreatment
For their daily food and shelter and for medical needs to be met
That God would intervene and that Thai authorities would recognise Pakistani Christians asylum seekers
For education to be available to the children and the teachers to be safe from arrest

If you feel led to help these suffering brothers and sisters in Thailand, then please use these bank details:

Sort Code: 20-44-22
Account number: 43163318
Bank: Barclays

Ref: Love for brothers and sisters in Thailand

Alternatively you can donate via our PayPal, our email address is:

Any cheques should be made payable to the BPCA to our address: 57 Green Lane, Ilford, Essex, IG1 1XG.

With your support we hope to change the lives of millions of Christians in Pakistan


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