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In a series of events on 29th November 2023, 22 Indian Christian Pastors and Missionaries found themselves in police custody across Uttar Pradesh, a state in North India.

This arrest follows the enforcement of the Anti-Conversion Bill by the state’s Chief Minister, Mr. Yogi Adityanath, with the support of the Indian BJP Party.

The Anti-Conversion Bill: Uttar Pradesh has been grappling with the Anti-Conversion Bill, a measure aimed at preventing forced conversions to Christianity. The State Police initially identified 42 Christian leaders for their alleged involvement in “Trying for Forced Conversions to Christianity.” Notably, these arrests were made without clear information about the complainants responsible for triggering legal actions.

Details of Arrests: According to reliable information, nine Missionaries and Pastors from Sonbhadra district were arrested under Sections 3 & 5(1) of the Uttar Pradesh Prohibition of Unlawful Conversion of Religion Act, 2021. Additionally, 13 individuals in different districts were reportedly arrested, with the police actively searching for an additional 10 persons. This brings the total number of individuals on the initial list for judicial action to 42.

Legal Concerns and Constitutional Rights: The arrests have sparked concerns about potential infringements on the freedom of religion and freedom of speech guaranteed by the Indian Constitution. Despite constitutional protections, the state government’s actions indicate a crackdown on Christian worship and the expression of religious beliefs in Uttar Pradesh.

List of Arrested Individuals: The names of the nine individuals sent to Sonbhadra Central Jail on 1st December 2023, include Ajay Kumar, Rajendra Kohl, Immanuel, Jaya Prabhu, Paramanandh, Sohan Ram, Chottu, Ram Pratap, and Prem Prajapathi. The remaining 33 Pastors and Missionaries, including Sowjanya, Father Paras, Shanklal Bharathi, Santhlal God, Narendra Kumar, Ram Nirohar, Ramkesh Kumar, Premnath Ram, Ajay, Vijay, Guddu Ram, Vijay Kumar, Urmila Devi, Ramnivas Ram, Jagernath Ram, Vijay Shankar Ram, Rampathi, Bharath Lal, Ramakanth, Rambachan, Ramratan, and Vijendra Harij, are also part of the list.

A copy of the Police First Incident Report written in Hindi can be read  (here)

Families in Distress: The families of the arrested individuals are experiencing deep sorrow and fear for their loved ones. They are fervently praying for the release of their family members from jail and are actively working with advocates to file bail petitions after paying security deposits. The legal battle ahead will require not only financial resources but also moral support.

Appeal for Support: Dr. Vuchula Satyanandam, BACA’s officer from Vijayawada, India, is currently in contact with the families of the arrested individuals. The Pastors and Missionaries facing legal challenges urgently require financial assistance for legal costs and moral support. Our goal is to provide help to as many of those affected by the arrests as possible, but to achieve this, we need to raise a significant amount of funds to exonerate those falsely charged, as a priority.

You can contribute to this cause and support the affected individuals by making a donation to our India fund (here). Your generosity will make a meaningful impact in helping these individuals navigate through these challenging times. Let us come together to uphold justice and protect the rights of those facing unwarranted legal actions.

Juliet Chowdhry, Trustee for the British Asian Christian Association, expressed, “The primary commission for all Christians is to share the Gospel. It is not an evil act; it is the sharing of a life-giving, transformational message. However, this practice is being restricted by unjust laws in India.

“India’s anti-conversion laws act as inhibitors to religious freedom and contradict Article 18 of the United Nations Convention on Human Rights. Unfortunately, the world remains largely silent.

“Irrespective of the limitations imposed on them, Indian Pastors and Evangelists make conscious efforts to comply with the law when sharing the Gospel.

“However, their continued success in outreach generates significant animosity among an increasingly radical Hindu population, emboldened by these draconian laws.

“The consequence is numerous deplorable arrests by police officers acting as harbingers of intolerance.

“Expensive legal costs and families being separated from the accused, who endure horrendous detentions and are often subjected to attacks, are designed to inflict pain and trauma. Despite these challenges, dedicated Christians persist in their mission to save souls.

“It is high time the world took notice and condemned this unjust law, calling for its abrogation and the restoration of religious freedom in India.”


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