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Excerpt from the targeting of Minority ‘Others’ in Pakistan

Concerning the shameful manner in which many Pakistani Christians and ‘Others’ are denied asylum in the UK, Nasir Saeed notes that:

If any Westerner has any doubt as to the severity of the situation, they need only consider the accusation of blasphemy levelled against an 8th grade pupil at a school near Abbottabad because she misspelled a word in a class test. The school’s decision to expel her only proves the extent to which the blasphemy laws are being misused. Yet, the British Government appears almost determined not to let any asylum seeker in, no matter how desperate or endangered their lives back home are. From the moment they submit their application for

asylum, Pakistani Christians have a tough time convincing the Border Agency that returning to their homeland is life threatening.

Thank you for reading this and please know that your sharing, liking and commenting on this post goes a long way in helping to give voice to the persecuted.

All proceeds from the sale of the book support the work of the BPCA. Much of the early sales will be used to support victims of the Peshawar bomb attacks – December 2013.


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