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Jesus Feeds Disabled Pastor

Born without the use of his hands or legs, Vemunuri Sunil Kumar was fed by Jesus and angels when he had a vision whilst depressed after refusing to eat.

Relying on his elderly parents to feed him, Sunil has always been totally reliant on other people’s help and because of his disability was unable to attend school leaving him to be home schooled by his parents and siblings.

Growing up in RTC Colony, L.B Nagar, Hyderabad, his interest in Jesus also grew whilst attending his local church and at the young age of 18 in 2010, he achieved his ambition and became a pastor.

Doubts in his faith, a year later, would creep in when whispering voices started to fill his head, telling him there was no God but was mocked by his then Pastor Vijaya and his community when he told them.

Sunil was disturbed by the voices and became deeply discouraged when both his Pastor and church Community accused him of being devil possessed and when prayer didn’t seem to help him, it only confirmed that perhaps the voices were right.

Feeling suicidal and believing the voices, Pastor Sunil decided he would starve himself to death as to him there was no point in living if there was no God. After a long spell without food, Sunil expected to die and didn’t want to be a further burden to his elderly father Venkta Chary and mother Sulachana who were trying to force feed him.

When the inevitable happened and Sunil became constipated and ill, his parents asked his siblings to take him to a doctor. Feeling desperate he prayed for his bowels to work and in a moment of re-finding God, an answer to prayer resulted in a call of nature that meant Sunil also needed to re-find the toilet.

Later that night the voices returned and at midnight suddenly Pastor Sunil had a vision of Jesus above his room holding a bowl of rice and curd along with 39 angels and proceeded to feed him.

When the bowl was empty, Jesus and the angels went leaving Sunil feeling satisfied and full. As he started to pray, having had his faith reignited once more, God made him understand that He would always meet his needs.

After making a full recovery Pastor Sunil started to live a normal life once more, spending most of his time praying and fasting. Excitedly he called his Pastor to share his story about the vision but once again Pastor Vijaya mocked him claiming it was all part of his imagination. Sunil was upset once more but while on the phone had another vision from God only this time of Pastor Vijaya’s house and that he could see him and tell him exactly what he was doing.

Pastor Sunil having breakfast with BACA representative.

Finally, Pastor Vijaya accepted that Sunil’s story was true and visited him the following day, asking him to pray for him and his ministry which was greatly encouraging as he spent more time with God.

One day while praying, he heard God directing him to plant his own church and wasted no time holding a service every Tuesday at 3.30 in the afternoon. Within three month his church grew to 70 attendees making other local pastors jealous.

They spread a nasty rumour that Sunil was a liar and was being controlled by the devil causing him to lose his congregation.  The impact was significant and between 2012-2017 Pastor Sunil struggled to convince people that he was truly preaching God’s word and not doing evil.

Over the next two years of praying and hearing God’s voice, Pastor Sunil waited for the right time to begin again and finally in 2019 Sunil began a new Church once more. His congregation have also been sharing YouTube recordings of his powerful ministry:

Today a more modest 20 people regularly come to his house to listen to the word of God where he can live alongside his old elderly parents who themselves struggle to feed him.

Juliet Chowdhry, Trustee for the British Pakistani Christian Association, said:

“Pastor Sunil has become a bit of a celebrity in his local village.

“His  powerful testimony has moved many people and my short discussion with him revealed a very strong passion for God and an unmatchable desire to share the life-changing Gospel with others.

“A woman from my local church who has provided some support to Pastor Sunil asked for BACA to see what help we could offer Pastor Sunil.

“Our Indian representative has met him and is convinced we should help – we believe in his ministry.”

BACA would like to raise a regular donation of £100 per month to support his ministry and to help him keep his home where his services are held- his elderly parents can no longer support him. If you feel you would like to support this work please donate by (clicking here).  

This is the video of the rented home we would pay for with your help whilst also providing  a small stipend for Pastor Sunil Kumar:


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