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Nissar Hussain is a Pakistan Christian convert from Islam, initially hitting national headlines for his incorrigible stand for Christ in 2005. Born and raised in Birmingham, England, Nissar first came to hear of Christianity, upon the imparting of a New Gideon New Testament Bible by a school peer;
aged 15.

Covert readings in the confines of his bedroom, Nissar was convicted by the profound truth of the Gospel and consequently accepted Jesus as his Lord and personal Saviour. However, he was forced to return to Islam once family members discovered his new-found faith and fell away from Christian fellowship; yet whilst there was an outward conformity to the patterns of Islam; inwardly Nissar held no regard for the Muslim faith anymore.

It was through the shock of his younger brother’s sudden death in 1996, that ultimately led Nissar firmly back to Christ. His lack of attendance at the Mosques and family’s absence during Muslim festivities did not go amiss amongst the local Muslim community in Bradford. After admitting to a close friend that he had converted to Christianity, friendships were severed, news of his conversion spread like wildfire and a 17 year anti-Christian ordeal
began. The Hussain family were subjected to daily verbal and physical abuse, frequent, systematic brickings of house and car windows and attempted arson forced the family to flee their home in 2006; for a different area of Bradford they considered more discrete.

However, Nissar’s participation in the 2008 Channel 4 Dispatches Documentary ‘Unholy War’, culminated in a second round of persecution. The Hussain family found themselves being ostracized yet again by local Muslim neighbours. By 2014, car smashing and death threats had long become the norm. On the 17 November 2015, as Nissar emerged from his home to park his car at the local police station (to prevent further car smashing), 2 men ambushed him; bludgeoning him with a pick-axe handle. He was hospitalized for 11 days, after being knee-capped and a hand broken as he tried to protect the raining blows from hitting his skull. On the 9 November 2016, armed police stormed Nissar’s property to inform them of a credible death threat they had received and they were effectively forced to flee their home for the second time.

The persecution of the Hussain family is a powerful testament to their faith in their Christian faith, in spite of the prevailing tide of Islamism against them. The Hussain family have been ignored largely by the police, local Mps and local religious leaders; in order to maintain community cohesion – yet have remained steadfast in their commitment to Christ. Nissar holds a deep passion for the convert Christian cause and desires to see a revival
across Churches in this nation. We believe this to be a God-given Ministry.

If you would like Nissar to share his moving testimony which has moved congregations across the UK, please contact Wilson Chowdhry on 020 8514 0861 (option 3)or email


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