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A more mobile Aleeza gets ready to take on the world…some images have been lost during transfer of website.

A Pakistani Christian child of only who survived the bomb attack in Quetta on 17th December 2017 has started to walk tentatively after British Pakistani Christian Association paid for her to have a prosthetic limb and walking frame to restore her lost mobility.  Aleeza Masih who at 18 months old was the youngest victim of the Quetta Bomb Attack is now exhibiting signs of good progress with the use of the limb and frame and is able to move short distances on her own.

Aleeza’s mother tells us that “Aleeza seems to have improved her confidence and is exhibiting signs of great joy following the successful consultations with the prosthetist, Dr Zaheer in April and the  prosthetic limb being placed onto her leg on 9th June.

“We are extremely grateful to all the donors who have made this huge step in Aleeza’s progress possible.”

Aleeza will be returning to Aga Khan hospital in Karachi within the month for a further consultation, and will require regular check-ups & consultations
until she reaches the age of 14 especially as she goes through the growing process.

As prosthesis ordinarily comprises a range of healthcare professionals such as physical & occupational therapists and  we expect a significant
budget will be required to support Aleeza over the next few years.

Aleeza’s parents would like to thank all BPCA donors who have helped support Aleeza as she goes through medical treatment. We hope to be able to support Aleeza and her family as they struggle together to restore their former lives. If you would like to help with a donation towards these cost please (click here)

Families who have survived the Quetta bomb attack have received some compensation from the Pakistan Government but the full amount of compensation has not yet been revealed. However the Government has failed to declare any compensation for the families who have survived the Quetta shooting attack a week later. We pray that the victims who have yet to receive compensation for the shooting attack, will do so and that more significant compensation is provided to bomb blast survivors.

Wilson Chowdhry, Chairman of the British Pakistani Christian Association, said:

“Aleeza’s progress is a testament to the generosity of the donors.  The huge costs of her medical fees not only saved her life but has enabled her to live a life that is as normal as possible and one in which one day she will be able to live independently and fruitfully.

“From the ashes of a brutal attack Aleeza has arisen like a beautiful phoenix mirroring the resurrection of Bethel Memorial Methodist Church, which is once again thriving and has suffered no loss in the number of its attendees other than the martyrs who were killed in the attack.

“We continue to pray for the victims of Quetta and all other persecution in Pakistan and believe one day God will transform the nation into one in which all people are accepted as equal citizens.”


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