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Tarek Fateh presents British Pakistani Christian Association Wilson Chowdhry with two of his books on a visit to Toronto

TORONTO: Pak-Christian persecution group gifted with literature by Muslim scholars in Toronto at Christmas

British Pakistani Christian Association received a warm yuletide welcome on his brief visit to wintery Toronto, Canada this week, by two Muslim Canadian scholars and journalists:  Farzana Hassan and Tarek Fateh. Both Ms Hassan and Mr Fateh gifted Chairman with scholarly literature that they had researched and written. BPCA was asked to submit a review of the material something we are only too happy to do.

Chairman Wilson Chowdhry meets Journalist Farzana Hassan who called for asylum for Asia Bibi in a recent Toronto Sun article

BPCA Canada representative Keri-Lynn Gibbs said:

“I was excited for Chairman Chowdhry to meet some of the leading Muslim voices against Islamist extremism in Canada. I have noticed there are so many technicalities in the Pakistani legal system that are not easy to navigate they relate to the persecution experience of Pak-religious minorities.

“I hope to be able to learn more especially about how we can better help those who are enslaved in labour arrangements or who were forced into Islamic marriage. We at BPCA look forward to reviewing their books.”

Chairman Wilson Chowdhry said:

“As I flew through Toronto, it was an enormous pleasure to meet with Farzana Hassan and Tarek Fateh who both welcomed me and our message with empathy and kindness.

“At the Christmas season where so many are busy with festivities I was glad to be able to meet other community members who were sympathetic to Christians suffering in Pakistan. I was gifted with their time as much as with their books and was happy to make their acquaintance.”

British Pakistani Christian Association, continues to provide advocacy and humanitarian aid to Christians in Pakistan and the Pak-Christian diaspora. We cannot do it without your help please donate by clicking (here).


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