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By Hannah Chowdhry

Rev’d Amelia Jacob was the first ever Pakistani Vicar for the Church of England.  Many years ago my grandmother Helen Chowdhry, was her Geography teacher in Year 8 and a neighbour in her community – they always shared a special bond.  Rev’d Amelia has informed us that my grandmother and her sister-in-law were the only two Christian teachers at her school.  We share this short summary of her recently published biography:

This is the inspirational story of Amelia Jacob, one of the UK’s first female priests – and the very first from Pakistan.

Born in Faisalabad, Amelia was raised in her grandfather’s vicarage, a man who had lost everything when he converted to Christianity. But when an arranged marriage brought her to London, the challenges of a new language, culture and relationship saw her faith lapse. Yet the Lord spoke to her in prophetic dreams, and, when she finally turned back to Him, she was stunned to find herself called to the priesthood.

Compelling, entertaining and eye-opening, The Priest from Pakistan is refreshingly candid about the challenges of family life, the immigrant experience and ministering as a woman in a man’s world. For anyone considering how they might serve the Lord, Amelia’s story is encouragement that there are no limits with God!

Buy your copy (here)


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