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Lyn Julius leader of Harif a group that represents Middle Eastern and North African Jews and Wilson Chowdhry Chair of the BPCA stand united against oppression of Minorities.

Sign our petition for Meriam Ibrahim (click here)

Today (Friday 6th June 2014) Christians of all diversities and humanitarians from other Minority Groups met outside the Sudanese Embassy and demanded freedom and justice for Meriam Ibrahim. People were drawn to the protest event after hearing the tragic story of the Christian Sudanese doctor who was sentenced to death and to 100 lashes for apostasy, that is converting from Islam to Christianity, and for adultery, that is marrying a man who is not a Muslim. Despite Meriam being brought up by her mother as a Christian.

Apparently Mrs Ibrahim counts as Muslim according to Sudanese law because her father was Muslim. Therefore law courts have ruled that her marriage is illegal.

Meriam has just given birth to a daughter in prison and has a 2-year-old son by her husband, Daniel Wani. She has continually refused to renounce Christianity and her adherence to her faith has resulted in the Court ruling that she must stay in prison for two years to nurse her baby. After this grace period she will then be executed. It is not known when the flogging is scheduled.

The event was organised by the BPCA in partnership with Christian Voice. Stephen Green National Director of Christian Voice, said;

“We call on President Omar al Bashir to direct the Sudanese Courts and Government to drop all charges and release Meriam Ibrahim immediately, to allow freedom to convert to Christianity in law and to guarantee the safety of Christians and the ancient Sudanese Church.”

Wilson Chowdhry Chairman of the BPCA said;

“Christian persecution in the Islamic world has reached unprecedented levels. Extremist ideology has been endorsed by fanatical religious leaders and knitted into the fabric of their societies, through stigmatized national curriculum within these intolerant states. This has bred hatred towards minorities and culminated in alienation and conflict.”

He added;

“Christians have now become the most persecuted faith adherents in the world. Moreover, the affect of these acts of violence and oppression has been an increase in the societal differences in our own communities. Fascist groups in the UK and other western countries have gained support due to the misunderstandings that these acts of aggression foster in our own communities.”

Lyn Julius, leader of HARIF a group that represents Middle Eastern and North African Jews, said;

“I was moved by the suffering of innocent Meriam Ibrahim. There was once two million Jews in the Middle East and North Africa, now only around 400,000 remain. The conditions faced by minorities living in the region has reached a nadir.”

A petition was signed by all attendees at the vigil. However despite his promise the Sudanese Ambassador failed to receive the petition, opting for it to be left at the reception area.


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