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Image of the Nativity to be installed before Ilford High Road Baptist Church

We cannot thank our donors enough for their efforts in helping us get a nativity into Ilford in time for Christmas.  This will be the first time in 3 years that the nativity will be displayed in our town centre and we owe our grateful thanks to Pastor Andrew Willis and everyone at Ilford High Road, Baptist Church.

Our initial figurine project in 2017 was designed around an installation in a grilled entrance to our town hall. When the town hall facilities management team made it extremely difficult, by forcing us into the town square our figurines were smashed and Jesus was beheaded (click here).

After the beheading the leader of the council assured the community that they wanted a nativity in the town centre and would explore how to make it safe at the town hall.  But this never materialised.

So this year we have gained permission and have already raised just under the funds for just the basic nativity to be installed.  We will contribute a bit more money to obtain a waterproof outdoor extension. What amazed us most was the number of donors from Australia and other nations abroad who supported our small local project.  We will be putting up videos and images so that all the donors and other supporters can see the impact of their donation.

Hannah Chowdhry, said:

“There was a time when these nativities would be seen in nearly every town in the country.

“When I travel to Pakistan nearly every Christian community has several it still means a lot in Christian communities in the developed world.

“Perhaps this is because deprived vulnerable Christians cling to the hope that a small baby brought to world and the salvation He brought as a man…

“Christmas will be special in Ilford this Christmas as we have a large nativity (over 4ft tall) and hope to get some festive lights up too.

“Local children will learn about the most wonderful day in earths history through such visual representations.

“I hope this project triggers similar projects across the UK and revives a lost Christian tradition.”

You can still donate towards our Crowd fund for the Ilford nativity (here).


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