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Hannah Chowdhry, Communications Officer for British Asian Christian Association, visited All Saints Church in Wolverhampton, to share an update on BACA’s work in Pakistan.

Whereas, previous talks with the Asian Christian Church led by Pastor Teerth Sond has been filled with tragedy and pain, on this occasion Hannah shared updates on positives that have occurred since our last visit.

Hannah started with a full report on freedom for former blasphemy convict Asia Bibi, who escaped a 9 year brutal captivity in a Pakistani prison cell, on All Hallows Day  2018 (31st October 2018).

Hannah described our help with the asylum process and cost of the solicitor for the family.  She also explained how she met with Asia Bibi during her first public appearance in February 2020 (just before the COVID-19 lockdown).  Hannah explained that Asia Bibi is in good health and is sharing her testimony globally, while speaking with world leaders as she seeks reform in Pakistan.  Read more about Asia Bibi in the many articles (here).

Hannah then described the recent Lahore High Court decision on 26th January to impose life sentences and and 200,000 rupee fines on the two Muslim men who sodomised and then killed Shehbaz Masih.

Although the conviction did not include for the sexual abuse the decision to impose a murder of the young Christian man, the speed of the murder trial in less than a year is a record for a Christian case.  Such speedy cases are reserved for the mega rich in Pakistan and usually justice evades Christians who are threatened or bribed to drop cases.  Read more (here)

Hannah described the legal battle taken over by British Asian Christian Association after several failures by previous solicitors.  Our work resulted in freedom for Nabeel Masih Pakistan’s youngest ever blasphemy prisoner (click here).

Hannah described Nabeel’s difficult life living in a safe house with limited freedom, which he describes as ‘much better than being in a prison cell’. 

She explained how we have removed painful lipomas from Nabeel’s body that caused him severe pain and are fighting for his full acquittal, at which time we hope to help him escape Pakistan to a safe western nation. Read more (here).

It was explained that we have now taken over the Blasphemy conviction appeal case for Zafar Bhatti, Pakistan’s longest serving blasphemy convict.   We explained that we hope we will have him set free within a year.  Read more (click here).

Hannah also described the heartbreak and grief that led to the death of Shareefa Bibi.  Shareefa was the mother of Badil Masih a 10-year-old sodomised and them murdered by his Muslim employers, after he sought full wages for work undertaken during his school holidays (click here).

Hannah explained that this month we hope to have surviving son Soojal begin boarding school education in one of the most elite schools in Pakistan.  It is hope this start in life will fulfil Shareefa’s desire that her children would be educated and escape the dire poverty she faced in this life.  Read more (here)

Details were also shared about our clean water projects which last year resulted in two further installations of water pumps and washrooms.  Read more (here)

Other updates were shared.

Hannah Chowdhry is able to speak at other churches in the UK and welcomes further invites.  If you would like further information on how to make this happen please email or telephone 020 8500 1192.

British Asian Christian Association continues to help the millions of Christians in Pakistan and in wider South Asia.  We could not do this work without your help.  If you are moved by any of the accounts listed above and want to contribute to our work, please (click here).


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