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A peace event to close of Redbridge’s celebration of the London Week of Peace brought joy to families of all diversities as they shopped in Ilford last week at an event organised by the British Pakistani Christian Association.

From  24th – 29th September families were able to access a friendship centre where free counselling, drinks and cake were provided by members of High Road Baptist Church and Palm Tree Ministries, the popular stall has helped over 400 local people deal with matters such as ill health, depression, poverty bullying and dark abuses from the past.  The experienced team were able to provide pathways to further help, such as the Welcome Centre run by High Road Baptist church and even resulted in emergency accommodation for homeless people not aware of local services.

All week free English courses were on offer via a group called Creative English in a drive to bridge gaps between communities by improving understanding of one another and over 49 new migrants were recruited for the classes during the event.

On the weekend activities for visitors ranged from a giant connect 4 game, live music from gospel choirs from Oasis Church, Capstone Church and Ilford Seventh Day Adventist Church, childrens’ art activities and science experiments and a police stall with information for adults and a colouring workshop for children.  SDA Church also provide free health advice and checks as well as environmental awareness at a  large stall in the town centre.

The event was part of a regular monthly fayre in Ilford which is growing both in popularity and attendance.however BPCA are looking for more community groups and charities to help make Ilford town centre a hub for community interaction.

Wilson Chowdhry, said:

“When we started this project we could not have imagined the impact that it would have on local people.  Local families have really enjoyed the interaction with local community groups and many have spoken of the new friends that they have made.

“We have also been helping local homeless people and have given advice and counselling to hundreds of individuals who have often simply been seeking someone to talk with.  Filling that need has been rewarding for all the volunteers involved with our friendship centre.

“We hope to grow the event with the help of other charities and community groups and will continue to listen to residents to ensure the activities we bring to the town centre are what people want.”

Our friendship centre stall was extremely popular during the week and  a Muslim lady who had been suffering demon possession after the Imam attached to her former husbands family placed a curse on her.  She felt change after brother Jeremy a regular at our event prayed for her.  She has agreed to visit church and learn more about our faith and has began to pray in the name of Jesus over herself and her family.  She is being followed up by brother Jeremy and High Road Baptist Church. A copy of Jesus through Asian Eyes and a Bible were given to her.  Please pray for her.

A Sikh man  gave his life to Christ and is being followed up by Brother Jeremy and HIgh Road Baptist Church.  He is also intending to attend Church and will be recieving a bible.

Many backsliders received prayer for abuses in the past that took them away from God.  please pray for all of them to continue in their pathway towards salvation.

If you would like to support our local outreach mission please contribute by clicking (here)


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