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Homeless people in Redbridge will have access to Lateral Flow Tests for COVID-19 at our centre on Friday 30th April 2021. This will be the last day of our ‘Meals for the Homeless’ project which was serving up to 45 people 3 days a week.

Throughout the first COVID-19 pandemic lockdown we were serving up to 65 people twice a day, with two sets of hot meals in addition to the evening foodbank. Recognising our efforts, the whole community began to support our project and we became a beacon of hope for local people. 18 partner groups helped with the provision of food, rain macs, furniture for temporary homeless, delivery services, unwanted clothes, counselling and much more.

Hannah Chowdhry, one of our most committed volunteers, said:

“Ending this service will be a sad day.

“I have enjoyed serving the homeless community many of whom I will miss friendly chats with

“We have advised them of alternate venues where possible, but the removal of our service will no doubt create burden on other local groups.

“Our numbers of volunteers have reduced significantly with the end of the last lockdown and the service could not continue.

“I will be focusing on my A levels now but will take away cherished memories as will all the volunteers.”

The service was even featured on BBC News after our youngest volunteer Hannah Chowdhry was awarded for her efforts:

The NHS undertook hepatology and STI examinations using our centre:

We helped a misbehaving homeless man back into accommodation:

Many of the Homeless have also been provided with furniture:

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