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Leighton Medley our BPCA Outreach Minister has returned to Pakistan to reach new communities with the true Gospel of Christ and to continue discipling those who have already been reached through our previous campaigns. Leighton’s remit for this work is quite simple, he is to bolster the faith of Christians who have little access to regular church services, setting up bible study leaders who will one day become ministers of the Gospel in rural communities. He is to bring revival and better understanding to Christian churches in Pakistan many of which have adopted a very legalistic theology and have forgotten the need for repentance, faith in Christ and the need to place our trust in Him. Leighton has also been reaching out to Muslims and we hope that soon his work will provide a dividend by bringing others to the family of God.

He has been having great success with many believers expressing revival, churchgoers committing their lives to Christ, and Muslims taking an interest in the Gospel though yet to commit to Christ. We hope with further donations to make Leighton’s role a permanent one in two years time. For this we will need the help and support of those who was to see Christ’s gospel flourishing in Pakistan and seek you help to finance this important ministry. One of our costs is the purchase of bibles at £4 each. If you would like to help please donate by clicking (here).

Below is one of Leighton’s recent accounts of a trip to Quetta:

The BPCA Outreach for the past two weeks of ministry was a great success after leading an annual marriage seminar to encourage Christian couples in Quetta. A Couple’s Seminar was held in Quetta by British Pakistani Christian Outreach officer Brother Leighton Medley and his wife Pana.

The teaching sessions which presented Biblical encouragement and keys for Christian marriage enrichment were well attended and enjoyed by all in attendance and was described by all as “a great day”.

Brother Leighton was appreciative for the traditional hospitality expressed when he was donned with a striking turban and his wife was graciously greeted by their hosts. He said:

What a great day, and all due to God’s abundant grace. Not to us, not to us but to your name be the glory, it says in Psalm 115, and that is the truth, to God be the glory. The Church was full to capacity with couples, young and old, plus one Muslim couple came and listened and we prayed for them during the service. I have a feeling they are secret believers, there are so many of them here in Quetta you wouldn’t know. I also know from Brother Laris, who hosted the meeting, that recently 12 Hazara converts, all laden with bibles had made their way back to Afghanistan. The Kingdom of God is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his garden. It grew and became a tree and the birds perched in the branches. (Luke 13:18, 19) This is what is happening and will happen in this part of the world and if we have faith in God, we will see mountains moved.

There are 3 teachings, designed to bring couples closer together in the Lord. We start with Ephesians 5:21-32, telling men to be responsible adults, loving their wives and exercising male biblical headship, which sadly so many are failing to do, leading to large numbers of family breakdowns, not unlike the UK. Husbands need to know, their wives are them and they need to love their wives as their own bodies, for anyone who hates his own body, hates himself and his wife and will end up hating God.

For the women we look at Titus 2:3-5, and due to the conservative nature of this culture, the emphasis is on the older women to teach the younger and to avoid gossip at all costs. Also, we teach the women that, although they be married to weaker men, there is no excuse for them to take over the headship of the home. Their role is to make their man better, the man God intended him to be.
Finally, we talk about children, of how they are precious to God. In Matthew 19:14, Jesus says “let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Children need teaching, not spoiling, they need to know who Jesus is and why He is important. They like us adults, are sinful and need saving grace, so they, as they grow older can become more like Jesus, for that is the goal of us all.

Great translation from brother Shahan, leads to a superb meeting, where married couples were renewing their vows during the service. It is a privilege to do this, and the BPCA is committed to seeing Christian families grow and be strengthened in the Lord. Every family is like a little church, and if we fail in the family side of things, then how can we expect to succeed in the wider world. Strong families, make for strong communities and make for great evangelism. We were made for community, as the Trinity is community, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. A community together in love, perfect love in perfect unity. Let us pray for our communities, that they may grow stronger in the Lord with love and power and unity, for Christ’s sake we ask it, Amen.

Brother Leighton


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