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Leighton Medley our BPCA Outreach Minister has returned to Pakistan to reach new communities with the true Gospel of Christ and to continue discipling those who have been already been reached through our previous campaigns.

Leighton’s remit for this work is quite simple, he is to bolster the faith of Christians who have little access to regular church services setting up bible study leaders who will one day become ministers of the Gospel in rural communities, he is to bring revival and better understanding to larger Christian churches in Pakistan many of which have adopted a very legalistic theology and have forgotten the need for repentance, faith in Christ and the need to place our trust in Him.

Leighton has also been reaching out to Muslims and we hope that soon his work will provide a dividend by bringing others to the family of God.

He has been having great success with many believers expressing revival, churchgoers committing their lives to Christ, and Muslims taking an interest in the Gospel though yet to commit to Christ. We hope with further donations to make Leighton’s role a permanent one in a years time. For this we will need the help and support of those who was to see Christ’s gospel flourishing in Pakistan and seek you help to finance this important ministry. One of our costs is the purchase of bibles at £4 each. If you would like to help please donate by clicking (here).

Below is one of Leighton’s recent accounts during a BACA’s trip to Harbanspura, near Lahore on 9th February 2020:

Today, we visited Harbanspura which is a hamlet about one hours drive from Lahore. It is a growing township, largely because of the heavy army and airforce influence in the area. Our host for this meeting, is Dr Rajia Nayyer, who also happens to be one of our finest translators. This is a small community, but passionate nonetheless. This is reflected in the worship, where our singing can be heard across the entire area.

Another distinguished guest, is the Reverend Canon Christopher Edgar, of the Church of Pakistan. A passionate evangelical like me, he is familiar with Canon Andrew White, the former hero and vicar of Baghdad. He has also met the late John Stott, that great evangelical leader of the 20th century, who perhaps did more than anyone to try and unite the faltering church through difficult times.

Our message is from Matthew 16:13-20, which is all about confessing Christ. Peter’s confession in this text, is also our confession. We must understand Jesus’ deity, his descending from God, because He and the Father are one, John 10:36. We must understand his divine mission, that being to save his people from their sins, Matthew 1:21. And how do we know this, but through the Scriptures. From Genesis 3:15, which is the very first reference of the Messiah Jesus, to the end of the book of Revelation which speaks of his return; they all point to and show the Christ throughout all biblical history. Jesus’ name means “He who saves,” and Messiah in New Testament Greek, means “Christ,” the anointed one of God.

So we must confess Christ, as Peter does here, both in our speech and our daily living, so our witness can be more effective.

As the meeting draws to a close, Dr Rajia, asks several questions of the audience, to see if they understood it and praise God; every single question was answered correctly by someone in the audience. This was in no part, due to the excellent translation by Sister Mehwish Bhatti, one of the most important people on our team. Were it not for her unselfishness and passion, this work would not be possible. The same must be said of our President Juliet Chowdhry, and her family, whose tireless work in fundraising and raising awareness of the plight of persecuted Christians around the world, contributes overwhelmingly to the work done here and in other parts of the globe. This is the confessing of Christ, I am talking about: this is who we are, if Christ is our Saviour, then he must be our Lord as well. May we know that reality.

Brother Leighton


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