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On the 6th October we visited one of our old haunts, Millennium Kingdom Church in Bahar Colony Lahore. We were invited to conduct a seminar on Worship, the ultimate priority, which would take place on the evening of the 6th and the morning of the 7th. There has been good growth here, not just numerically, but also in a knowledge of the Scriptures which is leading to a desire of holiness, particularly amongst the younger men, which is encouraging. I spoke from John 4:21-26.

They also have a new building, which was kindly given to them by a family, which are part of the congregation. I have to joke, that already it is too small because it was packed to the brim and there were many outside even, sitting in the streets and the garden at the back. We are invited from the BPCA to dedicate the building in prayer, whilst reminding them that it is we, God’s chosen worshippers who are now the temple of God, who are now sacred space, not buildings.(1 Corinthians 6:19) In many ways, worship was a good topic as the place was rocking with the sound of singing and music, so much so the walls were vibrating.

I preach 2 sermons from John 4:21-26, the first being on how God seeks worshippers. Reading John 4:23 we must worship God in Spirit and in truth, for these are the worshippers God seeks. God seeks worshippers, He seeks us, He has called us and not just to worship on a Sunday morning, but every day all of the time, it is our life.

The problem with many churches, not just in Pakistan, but all over the world is there far too much counterfeit worship. Gifts come naturally and there are many gifts given for the edification of the church, not for own gratification. All of this is included in worship.
Worship is also commanded and the community here understand that well. We know this from Jesus Himself in Matthew 4:10, where He rebukes the devil saying, “away from me Satan! For it is written, worship the Lord your God and Him only.” Satan himself, was once a worshipper before he sought worship for himself and that’s the problem with many today. Social media and internet usage have created many who engage in self idolatry and the worship of worldly things not heavenly things.

We must be careful, worship is all of life not just for Sunday’s. We don’t worship for excitement or a weekly fix, to get a buzz. We worship because our God is holy and we are to “worship the Lord in the splendour of his holiness.” (Psalm 96:9) We worship with all our hearts, with all our minds and with all our strength and that is all day every day.

The congregation respond well, they are aware of counterfeit worship, that it cannot be just the heart, where chaos can reign, nor can it be just all in the mind, leading to a cold, almost legal religion which is loveless. We need balance and this community is moving more towards that, which is heartening and even more so as we find out that we will be baptising some more new believers the following morning. This community is blessed and moving in the right direction, and if we see this in other parts of Pakistan, then there is hope indeed for the Masihi Community here in Pakistan and the continued growth of God’s kingdom. Amen, I say to that.

Brother Leighton


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