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Agile and mobile Aleeza has not let the loss of a limb limit her – some images have been lost during transfer of website in 2020.

Aleeza Masih who was only 1.5 years old when she lost a limb in the carnage of the Quetta Bomb attack has had her new limb installed, thanks to the help
of donors who contributed to her continued progress.  Read more (here)

Aleeza is a very bright girl and has adapted well to every limb replacement she has received from us and is very independent we are told by her mother.
Mehiwsh Bhatti our National Executive for Pakistan, said:

“By the Grace of God and with the help of our gracious donors Aleeza old prosthetic leg has been replaced with a new better fitting prosthetic leg, which is enabling Aleeza to cope with the demands of every day life with consummate ease.”

Aleeza and her mother left for Quetta on  24th June 2019 for Karachi where the specialist treatment was received and met with Dr Pervaiz
Hasmhi the next day.  Aleeza was fully examined and after the doctor took accurate measurements for a new prosthetic limb an order was placed.
Within two days the completed leg was sent back to the hospital and a date was fixed of 15th July to place the prosthetic limb on the stump of Aleeza’s
right thigh.

Aleeza being measured for her prosthetic limb.

Dr Hashmi has advised Mehwish Bhatti that Aleeza has fully recovered from the trauma of the terrible Advent church blast and has said that she is growing
fit, healthy and strong.  Here independence has not been impeded because she has been able to learn the use of the prosthetic limb extremely quickly and well each time.

The next upgrading of of the prosthetic limb will depend on the changes in Aleeza’s weight and size, also any wear and tear or additional use of the limb will also affect the design of future limbs.

Shamim Bibi mother of Aleeza was thankful to BACA and their supporters for their continual effort to ensure the Quetta Bomb attack has not deprived her young child from a full life.

We will continue to upgrade Aleeza’s limb until she reaches adulthood and if you would like to support her ongoing medical needs you can donate by using one of the listed options (here).


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