Christmas gifts for victims of Peshawar twin bomb attack

Mrs Joseph receiving colostomy bags, incontinence nappies and antibiotic injections to tackle bed sores.

22nd September 2013 was one of the darkest days in the memory of Pakistani Christians. After a twin bomb attack in Peshawar 127 people were killed and over 250 people were injured, in one of the biggest losses of life to terrorism globally. Despite Government assurances few victims have received any level of compensation and children and adults of all ages scarred by physical and mental defects as a consequence of the traumatic event, have had to survive with little help.  

BPCA continues to pay the annual fees for six students who were either orphaned or whose parents injuries prevent them from earning, meaning they can no longer pay school fees.  We also contribute towards the ongoing medical fees for a number of long term sufferers.  Read more (click here)

For Christmas, thanks to gracious donations received by our regular followers, Ishtiaq Gill our officer in Peshawar delivered gifts of blankets, medical aids and treatments to bed-ridden and other victims. Gifts included; antibiotics, incontinence nappies and colostomy bags to several long term casualties of the attack.  Moreover, we have also agreed to provide a one year supply of colostomy bags to 80 year old victim Mrs Joseph and 26 year old victim Farha Javeed.  

Farha Javeed’s bed sores had got so bad that the infection had seeped into her bone marrow.  BPCA provided antibiotic injections and we had been advised that this has provided her with great pain relief.  Farha said;

“I thank God for this medicine I have been in extreme pain and discomfort for months, this treatment has helped me sleep again. My pain has lessened and I thank the donors for their gifts.  Sometimes when we think we are all alone God works his miracles.”

There are 116 registered victims of the Peshawar attack and many more then those supported by us so far, need our help.  Ishtiaq Gill, BPCA Peshawar officer said;  

“During this freezing cold winter our blankets will bring warmth to these victims.  Many thought they had been forgotten, just knowing that people in Britain were praying for them has brought them great joy. They have all wished the people of Britain a happy new year and have expressed great thanks.”

We continue to support victims of the Peshawar bomb attack and our relief fund is still open.  

If you would like to donate to our relief work o
ur bank details are as follows:

Sort Code: 20-67-90
Account number: 63468976
Bank: Barclays
Ref:  Love for victims of Peshawar bomb blast

Alternatively if you would like to send a one of donation please use the pay-pal facility on the top right hand corner of our blog, or simply send a cheque made payable to the  BPCA  to our address 57 Green Lane, Ilford, Essex, IG1 1XG.

With your support we hope to change the lives of millions of Christians in Pakistan.

Mr Waqar received a blanket
Miss Samina received a blanket and antibiotics for her bed sores.
Mrs Joseph received a blanket.
Miss Farha Javeed, received colostomy bags, a blanket, antibiotic injections and incontinence nappies.  Before the blast she was a healthy young woman.
Mr Sohail received a blanket.
Mr Stephen received a blanket.
Miss Sherish received a blanket
Mr Wajid receives a blanket.
Miss Arsha Javeed receives a blanket.
Mrs Nasim’s children receive blanket on her behalf.
Miss Shiza Firza receives a blanket and antibiotics.

One of the blankets in it’s full glory.