Gujranwala police have arrested a 70 year old Christian man from the village of Lambanwali over an alleged act of blasphemy on Saturday 28th January 2017. Mukhtar Masih (70 yrs) and his family had all gone to sleep when at 10pm they heard a large banging on their door. When his daughter in law Shamim […]
Month: January 2017
All 115 people accused of torching the Christian Community of St Joseph’s Colony have been acquitted
Over 125 homes were razed to the ground and two churches when a Muslim mob of thousands first ransacked Christian properties and then set them alight on March 8th 2013, at St Joseph’s Colony, Badami Bagh near Lahore (click here for full story). The mob had been incensed by several local mosques who had […]
All 115 people accused of torching the Christian Community of St Joseph's Colony have been acquitted
Over 125 homes were razed to the ground and two churches when a Muslim mob of thousands first ransacked Christian properties and then set them alight on March 8th 2013, at St Joseph's Colony, Badami Bagh near Lahore (click here for full story). The mob had been incensed by several local mosques who had […]
Interior Minister of Pakistan has lost all sense of reality regarding minority persecution
The Government of Pakistan is in denial over the existence of minority persecution in Pakistan. In a recent statement the Interior Minister of Pakistan Chaudhry Nisar Ali K han has asserted that any belief that religious minorities in Pakistan are suffering because of abuse of the blasphemy laws is unfounded. In response to a question by […]
Huddersfield Asian Fellowship give to the cause.
Whilst speaking at Hope Church in Huddersfield (a reformed evangelical church), Wilson Chowdhry obtained several bags of clothes from the Pakistani Christian community residing in the area to be reused by Christians in Pakistan. Wilson also added further clothes and some toys from Maria Jarrett of Gateway Church, in Gants Hill. The items have […]
Muslim man sent 10 year old boy on errand while he raped his 3 year old sister!
Whilst a Christian single mother Catherine Bibi (38 yrs) and her eldest son Altaf Masih (21 yrs) were out working to provide for their family, a Muslim man ostensibly a friend of the elder son contrived to rape Catherine’s youngest daughter Saiba (3 yrs). Catherine Bibi is a single mother and of three children, Altaf […]
Disappearing activists in Pakistan create alarm amongst humanitarian groups!
Image:Senate Chairman Mian Raza Rabbani who last Monday said the statements of US State Department and the British government about recent missing persons in Pakistan were inappropriate. The British Pakistani Christian Association (BPCA) today joined its voice with others in highlighting the rising tide of ‘disappearances’ associated with blasphemy cases against human rights activists […]
Pressures from NGO’s results in removal of discriminatory advert
Faisalabad Waste Management Company has revised its conditions for the job of waste workers. Previously, in a public advertisement the company had invited non-Muslim candidates only to apply for the job. The discriminatory advertisement was published in a local newspaper Daily Aman Faisalabad, on January 24th 2017. The advertisement had sparked wide spread condemnation from […]
Muslim vandals have torched the home of a Christian man over an alleged property dispute.
Muslim vandals have torched the home of a Christian man over an alleged property dispute. The incident took place on 23rd January in a village called Bahudar Pura in Kasur, whilst homeowner Rehmat Masih (70 years) and his family consisting of a daughter Sajida (25 yrs) and her son Chanda (4 yrs) all […]
Pressures from NGO's results in removal of discriminatory advert
Faisalabad Waste Management Company has revised its conditions for the job of waste workers. Previously, in a public advertisement the company had invited non-Muslim candidates only to apply for the job. The discriminatory advertisement was published in a local newspaper Daily Aman Faisalabad, on January 24th 2017. The advertisement had sparked wide spread condemnation from […]