Nine people choose discipleship at BPCA baptismal service

Leighton Medley our BPCA Outreach Minister has returned to Pakistan to reach new communities with the true Gospel of Christ and to continue discipling
those who have already been reached through our previous campaigns. Leighton’s remit for this work is quite simple, he is to bolster the faith of Christians
who have little access to regular church services, setting up bible study leaders who will one day become ministers of the Gospel in rural communities.
He is to bring revival and better understanding to Christian churches in Pakistan many of which have adopted a very legalistic theology and have forgotten
the need for repentance, faith in Christ and the need to place our trust in Him. Leighton has also been reaching out to Muslims and we hope that soon
his work will provide a dividend by bringing others to the family of God.

He has been having great success with many believers expressing revival, churchgoers committing their lives to Christ, and Muslims taking an interest in the Gospel though yet to commit to Christ. We hope with further donations to make Leighton’s role a permanent one in two years time. For this we will need the help and support of those who was to see Christ’s gospel flourishing in Pakistan and seek you help to finance this important ministry. One of our costs is the purchase of bibles at £4 each. If you would like to help please donate by clicking (here).

Below is one of Leighton’s recent accounts of a trip to Bahar Colony, Lahore:

On the 7th October, the BPCA had the privilege of sponsoring its second Baptism service at Millennium Kingdom Church, Bahar Colony, Lahore. Before
the baptisms took place, I finished the Worship seminar with my final teaching on John 4:21-26, in particular on the verse where Jesus tells the Samaritan
woman, “believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem.”

Jesus is talking here, about the end of the old covenant and the beginning of the new. Basically, the dynamics of worship, God’s building is no longer
the temple, but us. We are the temple of God now, we are the sacred space where God comes to dwell, we are His building.

1 Corinthians 6:19 tells us, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God.” That
makes it clear, the sacrificial system has gone and our sacrifices are a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving.

This is a good subject as we approach the baptism of 9 new candidates, 5 women and 4 men. Of the men, 2 of which I know were former drug addicts and
alcoholics and through a relationship with a Jesus they have been saved. I prayed for each baptism candidate.

We then baptise the new candidates and the air is full of the joy of singing to the Lord. This is a great day and any baptism is a great day, which
should be celebrated. After the ceremony, I then pair off the new believers with more experienced believers, so that they can be discipled effectively.
Discipling is a problem globally, and it’s something the Church needs to work on, because too many believers are falling away due in no part to a lack
of teaching and discipling.

My prayer is that as we celebrate these new believers, they would be discipled well and grow in Christ as indeed we all should. May we all rejoice
at the BPCA and all over the world, the churches who help and support us, the growth and the power of the Kingdom of God.

Brother Leighton