Pakistani Christians gather in Southall for Shazad and Shama Memorial

Esther Das of WWEB TV spoke of the need for unity.

Pakistani Christians from across London gathered at St Lukes Church, In Southall on Friday 14th November after yet another extra-judicial killing of innocent Christians, within violence-ridden Pakistan.  

The killing of Shahzad and Shama was such a brutal act which including beating them with sticks and other implements, stripping them naked and then roasting them over a brick kiln, after having covered them in cotton wool to ensure they burnt.  The two older children that the murdered couple left behind witnessed the two bodies twitching whilst over the kiln, and it is commonly believed the two were alive at this point.  Read more (click here)

Taskeen Khan of Glory TV and executive member of ICC was the meeting compere, and Qamar Shams, the president of the group gave a rousing speech on the failures of the Pakistani legal system and authorities, describing a  need for change.

The meeting was organised by International Christian Concern and Wilson Chowdhry was invited as a guest, when he got to the meeting, he was asked to say a few words and he spoke of the wonderful attempts by ICC to bring a fractured Pakistani Christian community together.  He also thanked them for the support they were giving for the BPCA protest to be held on 22nd November 2014.  He said;

“The BPCA is grateful for the support ICC have given for our latest two protests.  It is collaborations such as these, which will restore community confidence and establish a stronger campaign for justice and equality in Pakistan.”

More details of protest (click here)  (and here)

Wilson also challenged people to sign our on-line petition, which has already attained over 4000 signatures in just 7 days.  Despite fewer then expected signatures being from Pakistani Christians.  It is believed that fear of reprisals has prevented many global and internal Pakistani Christians, from putting their name on the very public on-line petition.  Wilson asked that Western Pakistani Christians put aside their understandable fears, for the sake of the millions who have continued to be discriminated against and persecuted in a nation that has failed to serve the basic needs of it’s citizens.

Sign our petition (click here)

People gathered together after the meet to show solidarity for Pakistani Christians and to honour Shahzad and Shama.