The targeting of minority 'Others' in Pakistan "1971 massacre of Bangla-speaking Muslims"


An excerpt from the targeting of minority 'Others' in Pakistan

In April 2012, Nitin Pai, founder of the New Delhi-based think tank Takshashila Institution, expressed concern over the ‘systematic’ killing of Pakistan’s minorities, saying: ‘[The attacks] are called sectarian violence, gang warfare, ethnic cleansing, kill-and-dump or counter-insurgency. It is perhaps because there are individual names for these crimes that we are missing the possibility that they might amount to a bigger one – genocide’. Similar concerns have been raised by others in Pakistan and abroad, particularly by the Shi’ite Hazara community. It should be noted that there have been previous cases of under-reported mass-killings in Pakistan which have been described as genocide, notably the massacre of some three million Bangla-speaking Muslims in 1971.”

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