Christians with Bibles pushed those without to receive free bibles from BPCA.

British Pakistani Christian Association sent brother Leighton Medley and his wife Pana to Pakistan on a revival and outreach mission in March/April.

We sent Leighton to Rukhwala an area which in 2015 became infamous for the kidnap, rape and forced marriage of Fouzia Bibi.  Last month we secured her divorce from the rapist who locked her into an Islamic marriage under duress (click here).  BPCA will continue to visit this community through brother Leighton to provide solace, assistance and to bolster our work of sowing God’s word and strengthening the faith of Christians.

By Leighton Medley

On the 9th April, we visit another part of Rukahwala, to the industrial part of outer Lahore, which is Sister Fouzia’s home village. It
is a sort of strange place as we were surrounded by this huge industrial estate, with huge roads and factories close by, yet through what seems a small
gap in a wall we enter a hamlet of something reminiscent of Victorian London. The welcome is jovial and many of the Christians come to see us and hear
the Word of the Lord preached with great anticipation.

For the first time I hear a female Congo player and Maffia, the lead singer of the community to treat us to some eloquent singing and one of the community
who welcomed us, was a lady of over a hundred years old, a truly extraordinary feat, to live so long in a climate like this. What a pity she will not
receive her telegram from the Queen of England or a counterpart in Pakistan. The yard where we are located is full and Sister Fozia is enjoying the
experience of meeting those she knows and sharing the good news of her recent divorce from an abusive marriage.

I preach on the Good Samaritan from Luke, the people listen intently and surprisingly there are some who have bibles, leading me to conclude that perhaps
here, they are not as illiterate as we were first led to believe. Also, there is no talk of money, as after the meeting, all people really seemed to
want was prayer to comfort them, as there are many with various infirmities. This pleases me though, it shows a dependence on God, and a knowledge
of how trials make us grow to mirror the image of Jesus.

I am encouraged however, as we hand out the bibles, the ones who have them eagerly push those without the Word to the front to collect them, as Sister
Mehwish passes them on. This is what we are about, seeing those who unfortunately do not possess a bible, receive one and making sure they get help
to read it and learn from it. Let us pray for the growth of the Word in these areas, that many more may come to know the Word and receive it with thanksgiving,
let us give thanks for those who have given and supported this ministry, to see the joy of those who have received their first bibles. And let us pray
for continued support as we move on ahead with our further ministry to these needy people coming to the Lord to receive His grace. I thank the Lord
Jesus for these people, for whom it has been my immense privilege to serve and to thank the BPCA for giving me the opportunity to do so, to Sister
Mehwish and all the team here in Pakistan, may God bless them and keep them always, in Jesus name.


Brother Leighton

We depend on the generosity of our donors In order for us to continue our outreach and revival programmes in Pakistan. If you would like to contribute to this Kingdom building work please (click here).

Our free bible distribution comes at a cost each bible costs £4.00 to print. If you would like to help us continue to share God’s word throughout Pakistan please (click here)