​Hopes and Fears

British Pakistani Christian Association sent brother Leighton Medley and his wife Pana to Pakistan on a revival and outreach mission in March.  We sent Leighton to Sangla Hill an area which in 2005 suffered great persecution after the village was set alight by Muslims enraged by a false allegation of blasphemy (click here).  BPCA will continue to visit this community on further visits by Leighton to provide solace, assistance and to bolster our work of sowing God’s word amongst His people.

By Leighton Medley

The title of this article is hopes and fears; primarily because this is what I have and feel during this visit to Pakistan.

On the 27th March we visited Sanghla Hills, a farming community about 2 hours drive from Lahore. Mehwish Bhatti liaised with Neelam Gill and the lead
Pastor Shakeel Gill, in order to organise an outreach for this small village group. We were welcomed well and it seemed at first that this would be
a hugely successful outreach. We preached from 1 Corinthians 12:12-31, paying particular attention to the issues of unity and diversity. I wanted them
to understand that although many people have different gifts, we cannot all be leaders, nor should we look down on those who may appear less gifted
than we are. I also focused on the need to be united as one community in Christ; we should not compete with one another, nor should we be self sufficient,
placing all our reliance upon ourselves, leaving God out of the equation. The sermon went well and Stella Prem, did a stellar job in translation, meaning
the sermon was well understood by the majority.

However, upon giving out the bibles, I was slightly disappointed that all the recipients were girls. Not one boy was put forward to receive a bible, which
i felt was a little discriminatory. I challenged the lead Pastor, Shakeel Gill as to why this happened, and he said the boys had all bibles in a rather
abrupt and arrogant manner. The men all left the service straight away pretty much, and went back home or to their work. As per usual, the women stayed;
Neelam Gill gave encouraging words, saying she enjoyed the sermon, posing the question of online bible classes for the youth. This however, is a continuous
problem in this ministry; the women want to learn, but the men often appear lazy and apathetic toward the faith, often being belligerent when challenged.
This is a cultural phenomenon, the women in these communities often are at home and are therefore engaging in bible reading and prayer,and raising
children, whilst the men see themselves as solely breadwinners.

Also, there is an obsession in these communities with money. At first they seem welcoming, but when it comes to arranging a meeting, whether that be an
outreach or a seminar, the conversation always becomes about money. Again, a so called young Pastor named Waqas, called on me to discuss helping with
a bible college, which is pointless, as many of these people do not know what the bible teaches. Therefore, I told him to concentrate on weekly bible
studies, which he told me they were, but I wonder, where is the fruit of it, when the lead Pastor acts in such a cocky and arrogant manner.

These are my hopes and fears. My hope is clearly amongst certain quarters, there is a hunger for the Word, particularly among the women. They are strong
and have a great desire to grow. Yes, they may have more time on their hands in village communities, but this is encouraging. However, the men are
following far behind, and my concern is that future generations of Male Pastors could be lost, unless we can reverse this cultural trend. To do this,
we must pray for more work of the Holy Spirit to do His work in regeneration as we continually preach the Word. I have submitted an article on the
work of the Holy Spirit in Regeneration, to the Bierton Particular Baptist Magazine, for their Easter edition. To do this we need to encourage unity
and encourage the men to take responsibility for their families growth. It should not be up to the women, as this giving a purely unbiblical view of
Christian Family Life. Please pray for us, as we continue to do our work for the Lord and may His name be praised.

Brother Leighton

We depend on the generosity of our donors In order for us to continue our outreach and revival programmes in Pakistan. If you would like to contribute to this Kingdom building work please (click here).

Our free bible distribution comes at a cost each bible costs £4.00 to print. If you would like to help us continue to share God’s word throughout Pakistan please (click here)

The church was in full song.

Yes the men did come church too….

People came to the alter to receive prayer and healing.

Young and old came to hear the word of God.

 A small but powerful worship group

Several bibles were distributed to those who had never had one before.