Pakistan climbs to fourth worst country for persecution of Christians

The recently released ‘World Watch List 2017′, produced by Open Doors has shown that Pakistan has unfortunately moved up to fourth place for how badly
Christians are treated.

In 2015 Pakistan had ranked at number 8 and last year they rose to 6th. Now. Currently, only North Korea, Somalia and Afghanistan, were worse for Christians,
but Pakistan is considered to have the most incidents against Christians overall of any of the nations listed. 

“This gives an idea of the increasing severity of the situation in Pakistan for Christians, and why the UK government should give far more consideration
to the reality in both funding aid and dealing with Christian asylum seekers who manage to escape, or who do not want to return because of the threat
after studying here and so on. In addition, it shows the reality on the ground is still worsening, despite some tentative and fragile actions by the
authorities that are sometimes claimed as small signs of hope.”

‘Movement of Solidarity and Peace’, a Muslim NGO, shocked the world with their estimations of 1000 minority girls being kidnapped every year and forced
into Islamic marriage. Sadly their report released on 17th April 2014 estimated 700 of those abducted girls where Christian and aged between 12 and
25, that is almost two a day and the world stays silent. Christians are thought to make up the majority of bonded labour  (modern day slaves)
in Pakistan with a figure in excess of a million and 86% of Christians are known to be working as domestic labourers, cleaners and sewage workers,
with some government and local government adverts asserting only Christians should apply. 15% of all blasphemy allegations in the country are lodged
against Christians despite being only 1.6% of the population and two severe bomb attacks on Christian communities in the last two years, evidences
the need for better protection of our vulnerable minority.

In 2016 alone we have already seen attempts to demolish four old churches (click here);
Two terrorists attacks targeting Christians (click here) and (here);
 A man falsely accused of blasphemy for watching a debate on facebook 
(click here).
A sixteen year old accused of blasphemy for posting an offensive image (click here),
A couple accused of sending blasphemous texts to an Imam (click here), a
14 year old boy was sodomized and hung to death (click here), A
Christian father was killed after trying to retrieve his daughter who was raped and forcibly married (click here), to
name but a few…

Please sign our petition (click here)

British Pakistani Christian Association, Chairman, Wilson Chowdhry, said:

“These figures are misleading, they show an increase in the level of persecution faced by Pakistani Christians on this most current list when compared to previous years. In reality the situation in Pakistan has not worsened but has always been appalling, a fact that has been only been recorded well in recent years thanks to groups such as Pakistan Christian Post and the British Pakistani Christian Association. Suffering minorities have had to endure severe discrimination and persecution with little or no help, and the western world knew nothing about their plight. This is due to an evident silence by UK and US governments with intrinsic trade agreements with Pakistan, who also hold ally status in the war against terror. Insouciance based on Realpolitik has allowed persecution to continue unfettered.”

He added:

“This report gives renewed urgency to our efforts to help the suffering Christians of Pakistan, and any and all help to that end will be most welcome. Britain, the US, and other western nations must address their incorrect policy towards Pakistani Christian asylum seekers. Moreover, foreign aid budgets from the UK and the US, together with the GSP trade agreements with the European Union must be utilised to lever change for minorities in Pakistan, if not the increased wealth in Pakistan will be used to maintain or worsen the existing hatred towards minorities, placing western powers in the unenviable role of sponsors of state-led hatred – something some would say they are akin too.”

BPCA helps many victims of persecution in Pakistan but we can’t do it without your help.

If you would like to contribute towards our work our bank details, paypal/visa payment facility can be found (here)